Monday, December 15, 2008

Form~less~Form, The Tao is like an empty vessel

The Tao is like an empty vessel.
Yet when you use it, you never need to fill it again.
Deep and still, it seems to be
the source of the ten thousand things!
We should blunt our sharp points, and untie the knots of things; we should attemper our brightness, and bring ourselves into agreement with the obscurity of others.

How pure and still the Tao is, as if it would ever so continue!
...It is empty but not depleted...

In concentrating your breath and making it soft,
Can you make it like that of a newborn babe?
In cultivating and cleaning your profound vision,
Can you do it so that you stay without stain?
We shape and fire clay into a vessel;
It is precisely the space within that makes the clay pots so useful.
It is precisely in these empty spaces that makes the room so useful.
Therefore benefit comes from what is there;
Usefulness comes from what is not there.....
LAO CHE ~ Tao te king
La suprême Vertu est comme l`eau...
Conserver plein ce qui va déborder...
Les vases sont faits d'argile, mais c'est grâce à leur Vide
que l'on peut s'en servir....
Regardant on ne le voit pas, on le nomme l'Invisible
Ecoutant, on ne l'entend pas, on le nomme l'Inaudible
Touchant; on ne le sent pas, on le nomme l'Impalpable....
En haut, il n'est pas éclairé; en bas il n'est pas Obscur.
Il est éternel, il est sans nom....
On peut dire qu'il est FORMEsansFORME...
allant à sa rencontre, on ne voit pas sa face
le suivant, on ne voit pas son dos...
effacés; comme la glace fondante
simples; comme le bois non travaillé
vides; comme la vallée....
LAO TSEU ~Tao te king


raining sheep said...

You have a write and ponder. I love that line "It is precisely the space within that makes the clay pots so useful..." it's the magic in the is a line we can attribute to ourselves; we are just a shell for a thousand possibilities.

Anonymous said...

i`m smiling to you

t does wool said...

oh,Dimitri...I was visiting at Raina's and founds your niche...
"We should blunt our sharp points, and untie the knots of things; we should attemper our brightness, and bring ourselves into agreement with the obscurity of others"-this I will try to remember all year.

Anonymous said...

Theresa, welcome to my niche.
Thank you for the wise words.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realise you had a place
for quiet contemplation,
and more words you can give to photos,
which often don't need words,
but which are nice to be able to express anyway.

Pour some tea and let us all sip :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Alison,there is some special Pu-er tea for you...dark black color with some notes of chestnut-red...and the sublime fragrance of humid earth, mushroom, wood and orchid. You are welcome.