It`s always a pleasure to use new tea-sets, teapots and cups.
It`s always surprising to taste the "new" taste that a different teapot can bring out from the tea leaves. Re-newing a well known ritual. Changing point of view, enveloped by the new aesthetic forms. Simple aromatic joy. Beloved aftertaste that lasts for some long ephemeral moments...

Jardin de Gaia:
Théière brun-rouge polie. Contenance 160 ml.
Théière aubergine, reflets métal, filtre inox. Contenance 380 ml.
Tasse jaune, porcelaine, dimensions 7,8*5 cm. Contenance 110 ml.
Bateau à thé, bois de bambou, dimensions 4*21*12,5 cm.

Thank you for the share I just bought this tea set
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